What We Do
HOWM's community primary aids this generation's advocacies like family life, public breastfeeding, babywearing, cloth diapering, natural parenting, including women empowerement.
HOWM started as a low profiled, part time, online business in 2015.
It grew immensely, creating a group of nearly 3,000 members in a span of two months.
Now, as HOWM continues to strengthen its ties and spread awareness to her fellow hands-on parents we are very proud to share with you another milestone even you will surely enjoy - "The Hands On Wife and Mom website".
Apart from being an online shop for your tots and little ones, this website is going to be an avenue of accomplishments, DIY projects, Vlogs, product reviews, events promotion, and tips you can embrace as a Hands-on parent. So today I am inviting you to explore the bliss and struggles of motherhood and family life with me!
Quennie Vito
The hands On Wife and Mom herself!
Devoting most of her days serving her loving husband and precious little one.
An entreprenuer and a senior sales professional by profession but a family woman by heart.
Meet Us
Little P
Our little sunshine.
Our miracle baby.
Our life!
A Vito
A loyal husband.
A loving dad.
A great provider.
A manager by profession.
A man of God.